Dallas and Jaunita are the two comentators in the game.  They love to make you feel bad about yourself and your team. eg: "Oh No! One of his bots just went down! He Gonna Die!!!!!!"  "If Ratchet were a tough cookie, what kinda cookie would he be?! I'm gonna go with snickerdoodle!"

Sports Update

This is it! IT! The big I-T! The most explosive, destructive, mind-splitting, galaxy-shattering event in the history of holovised combat sports! Captain Starshield is just moments away from an epic showdown with the undefeated, unrivaled, and unscrupulous Exterminator grand champion, Ace Hardlight! I can't wait any longer! My heart is racing like a seven-legged sand shark! Feel it Juanita! Feel it beat! No? Fine, I'll feel yours. OWWWWWW! Say, is that a new brand of mace? It's kind of minty.

DreadZone fans, the moment you've been waiting for is here at last. In a mere two weeks, Captain Starshield has obliterated every DreadZone record ever set. He has proved so unstoppable that even the Exterminators themselves are refusing to fight him. All except for Ace Hardlight, of course. The brave, handsome, sweet, virile, hunky Ace Hardlight. Oooh, just saying his name gives me shivers of joy.

We get the picture, Juanita. Just like Ace Hardlight got the 72 pictures of you taped to his locker all saying 'Call me, I'm desperate.'

Laugh it up, Dallas. I put poison in your coffee.

Really? I thought it was just the new coconut-mango blend. (sluuurp) No, you're right, that's poison. *THUD*

Stay tuned for the answers to the most burning questions in the galaxy! Will Captain Starshield finally meet his match against the fearless Ace Hardlight? Will Ace use the illegal one-shot-kill Quantum-Demoleculizer I snuck into his locker? Will Dallas get his stomach pumped before he dies an excruciatingly painful death? Only time will tell!

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